The family name "van Haandel" is most likely derived from the village "Handel" in the province of Noord Brabant in the Netherlands.
There are various ways the family name has been written in the past, like Van Handel, VanHandel, VanHaandel or van Haendel. In the Netherlands there are around 200 families with this name. Besides here the van Haandels have moved to Belgium, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and USA. A larger group of vanhandels are in the USA, descendants from van Haandels that emigrated in the 1850's.

Arnold vanHandel and Anna Mary van Ermen moved with their family to Sublimity Oregon. In the historical summaries of Sublimity quite some vanHandels have played a major role. See the website of Sublimity and a short summary of the history of the Village, where several vanHandels are mentioned.
Arnold van Haandel was a descendent of Anselmus Christianus Johannes van Haendel who lived around 1600 in Boekel. His oldest decendents you can find in the branches Erp-Deurne and Erp-Uden.
Another part of the vanhandel-family started from Little Chute, Wisconsin. The complete family tree of this part of the vanhandel-family was generated by a schoolproject of the St. John Nephomucene school. The founding father of this family tree was Mathias Adriaans vanHandel (van Haandel) born in 1730 in Gemert The Netherlands. Students (and teacher) gathered the information in this file over the last ten years as part of a class project to study their ancestors and how they are related to one another. The book "I was te bissie" from Joe Daan gives a nice history about Dutch settlers in the USA and the development of their language. A van Handel (Willard van Handel) was interviewed in this book.
This is a first start of my project. I'd like to organize a meeting place for the family out here. Re-uniting some of the van Haandels from various places in the world would be nice. Searching through the internet brings several van Haandels on your screen. In the Netherlands there are a couple of people that have organized the records of the family. As far as I know only small bits and pieces have been published. Internet might make it a little bit easier for us to get in contact nowadays. According to the van Meertens Instituut in the Netherlands there were in 1947 209 person carrying the name "van Haandel". In 2007 there were 452 people named "van Haandel". At least the family is growing.
During one of my trips to Brazil I realized together with my Brazilian travel partner that there were quite some van Haandels listed in the Brazilian white pages. We finally decided to visit one of them. It was clear that this van Haandel descended from a van Haandel that emigrated in the 1930's. Till now it is unclear how to link this person to my family tree. After my visit I got various mails from other family members. They mentioned to organize a party for me if I would visit Brazil again.
We share a name. A name that is not so common, but the family members have left their mark in various places. Amongst others Marinus van der Lubbe who got accused in 1933 of setting the Reichstag in Berlin on fire. His mother was Petronella van Haandel.
Another member of the family was the politician and lawyer in Brabant Peter Verhoysen (1757-1835), whose mother was Jennemarie van Haendel.
Here is an interestingpages (page1 and page2) for genealogy of van Haandel. (Sorry, it is in Dutch)
If you want to get in touch or initiate an initiative for the family, please mail to:
Also if you might be willing to built more advanced content for the webpage or want to use part of the you can contact us.

A map of the village "Handel" and the community of Gemert the Netherlands in the year 1867.

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Any news or special information on van Haandel or VanHandel, let us know, and we will publish it here. Mail to
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One of the questions I like to get answered is :
1) There are several van Haandel's in Brazil. Most of them must be descendants of a van Haandel who emigrated to Brazil in the 1930's. I would be interested to find out who it was. It must be related to the information that I have found on the webpage (VanHaandel : Immigration record V55340). Let me know if you can help me on this.
2) Still looking for the complete family tree of Arnold van Handel and Anna Mary van Ermen who moved from Wisconsin to Oregona USA